Earthly beings indeed!

All this talk of extraterrestrials, icons and tagging reminds me of the time that space invader came to town.

It was way back in round 2003, over 20 years after the original arcade machines had arrived on these fair shores, transforming stray corners of pubs and fish-&-chip shops and creating a new urban play space – the videogame arcade. Ah such wonderful arcane spaces filled with curious sounds and elaborate social rituals…

But I digress Space Invader is a French artist who tags the city streets with that all to familiar configuration of pixels. His work can be found all over the world including this fair city. He was drawn to Melbourne to create work as are so many street artists. What is it about the city that draws them here? And what does this mean for the city?

Cultural reformer, dreamer and visionary Marcus Westbury has claimed for the city’s street art that “At its best, Melbourne’s streets are full of smart, witty, funny, pretty, provocative, illuminating and delightful interventions. Artists pose interesting questions and talk with the city.” But what, he asks, does the city and its fathers make of its gallery status, of its outlaw art?

There are 26 Space invaders in Melbourne. My favorite is in Centre Place. When you are out hunting for other icons tagged in Melbourne there will be many other serendipitous findings to delight. Take the camera. Post your discoveries. Begin a dialogue with the city and its guilds.

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